
Empowering Lifelong Learners



Innovation in education leads to real and tangible benefits.

Bodh Innovation Aim

Innovation in education equips students with adaptable skills, critical thinking abilities, and a growth mindset.

Bodh Innovation Support

Innovation is set up with the goal of promoting novel ideas to enhance the teaching learning processes. Encouraging schools and educators to adopt creative methods to drive ideation and the development of new perspectives

Bodh Innovation supports and motivates educational institutions to explore new ideas and execute them to achieve maximum students’ outcomes.

Educator Exchange Hub

A vibrant online community where passionate teachers and educators converge to exchange innovative teaching strategies, classroom activities, and student engagement techniques. Through collaborative discussions, they share practical solutions to enhance learning experiences and address common challenges faced in education.

Pedagogical Think Tank

An inclusive platform that fosters dialogue among like-minded educators. Here, they collaboratively brainstorm creative approaches to curriculum design, student assessment, personalized learning and other areas. By pooling their expertise, they empower one another to navigate the dynamic landscape of education effectively.

Education institutions, research houses, schools, individuals, trainee educators, education service providers
Fill in the online application.
Call the representatives for help and support.

Admissions are open.   





How does the unit of Innovation Work?

Teams are constituted

Meetings/ Schedules/ Systems / Process are finalized.

Teams collaborate Ideate Discussed and debate the "How" to innovate.

The New different is found out and tried and tested.

The New Results are collated, patented and disseminated

If you found the importance of Teachers

Collaboratively striving to effect change

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