
The excellence in schools
reflect quality of colleges of education



Bodh empowers trainees to graduate as competent, skilled, and future ready educators

Blending academic and skill interventions to empower tomorrow’s educators and in creating a brighter future for all
Bodh associates and collaborates with education colleges on academic and skill interventions

Professional Growth and Adaptability

Ongoing training keeps teachers up-to-date with the latest teaching methods, technology, and trends, enabling them to adapt to students’ diverse need as education evolves.

Effective Classroom Practices

Training equips teachers with evidence-based strategies for effective classroom management and addressing learning gaps, leading to engaging and successful learning enviroments.

Student Success

Teacher training boosts student outcomes by helping educators identify struggling students, offer timely support, and create a positive learning environment. Saburi Education Solutions enhances this process with customized training programs and resources, partnering with school and district to improve education quality

Bodh  The best way to improving teacher competencies and teaching quality.

Our courses

BODH offers short During and/or POST education certification courses for career growth of teachers who wish to move into more specialized areas of teaching or into leadership and management positions in foundational, preparatory, middle, and secondary school.

Few courses offered under Bodh are


Elementary & Secondary School

Specialized Courses

If you found the importance of Teachers

Collaboratively striving to effect change

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